from the desk of H. Bowie...

desktop with typewriter


All Essays by Topic

Following is a list of my essays available on this site, grouped into primary topics.

Hopefully this will be helpful to interested readers, but I know I will find it so as I sometimes try to locate some particular piece I’ve written.

Some of my pieces clearly touch on more than one topic, but I’ve tried to determine one primary category for each piece, to avoid seeing the same piece appear in multiple places on this list.

Cultural Commentary

Observations and analysis of our modern culture. And when I say “our” I’m mostly talking about the US, although many of my comments might well be applicable more generally, or at least to some countries other than the US.

  1. The Clown Coup
  2. Diving Back Into Our American Muddle
  3. Our American Class System
  4. The Progressive Problem
Cultural Evolution

I’ve written a number of pieces related to cultural evolution. These are listed below in a logical sequence for readers, with later pieces building on earlier ones.

  1. Human Culture and its Evolution
  2. A Broadcast Consciousness
  3. The Systemic Era
  4. Understanding Human History

I’ve written a few pieces about films that have been particularly meaningful to me.

  1. Apollo 11 – 2019 film
  2. Citizen Kane vs. Citizen Bailey
  3. Getting Back to The Feeling
God and Religion
  1. The Nature of God
  2. Reflections on the Christian Message
  3. Rejiggering Our Religion
  4. Religion, Storytelling and Art
  5. Religious Freedom
  6. What Christmas Means to Me
Human Nature

These are writings about what it means to be human.

These are presented in somewhat of a logical sequence, with more foundational pieces appearing before others.

  1. What Does It Mean to be Human?
  2. The Four Quadrants of Human Knowledge
  3. Developmental Levels
  4. DRAMMA List of Psychological needs
  5. Art and the Eye of the Beholder
  6. A Guide To Becoming
  7. Life is Complicated
  8. Managing Our Identity Stacks
  9. Motivational Factors for Complex Work
  10. My Advice to Young People of All Ages
  11. My Prayer for a More Integral New Year
  12. Reasons for Belief
  13. A Resumption of our Humanity
  14. Self-Determination Theory
  15. Social Distancing and our Essential Nature
  16. Social Support Survey
  17. Some Hard-Won Wisdom Concerning Cults
  18. Why Michigan’s 42–27 Victory over Ohio State Gives Me Hope for Humanity
  19. Developmental Levels as Complementary Modes of Behavior

This section includes writings pertinent to organizational leadership.

  1. The Four Essential Attributes of any Organization
  2. Leadership and Followership: 21 Key Observations
  3. Of Idiots and Autocrats
  4. Patterns of Human Cooperation
  5. Schembechler, Bacon and Leadership
  6. A Universal Improvement Process
  7. Why Mandating 'X‘ Days a Week in the Office is a Stupid Idea
  8. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Some few writings about literature.

  1. Building a Case for the Detective Story
Past Events

Some of my writings have been inspired by specific events and, while there is still good content here, the events that inspiried these writings are now in the past.

  1. 8 Big Lessons We Can Learn from the Pandemic
  2. Five Takeaways from the First 2024 Presidential Debate
  3. The Issues Swirling around Spotify and its Content Providers
  4. Lessons to be Learned from the Fall of Afghanistan
  5. Practopia
  6. Why I Call Myself a Practopian
  7. Democracy
  8. Evolution and Its Implications
  9. Humanism and the Practical Utopian
  10. Imperfection
  11. The Importance of Mission
  12. In Defense of Balance
  13. An Integral Approach
  14. More Love
  15. A Practopian Approach to Gun Issues in the US
  16. The Value of Individuals
  17. Science

How can human societies best organize ourselves? This is one of the most interesting and pressing issues facing modern humans, as the necessary scale of our societies grows ever larger.

  1. Can the US Become a Truly Egalitarian Society?
  2. Cooperation, Competition and Coercion
  3. Core Design Principles for The Efficacy of Groups
  4. The Devastating Tragedy of our Vanishing Middle Class
  5. Developmental Levels as Evolving Social Structures
  6. Kindness by Design
  7. Our Societal Disconnect
  8. Rebuilding Trust in Our Large Institutions
  9. Reframing our Debates about Capitalism
  10. The Rotary Four-Way Test
  11. The Social Suite
  12. The System is Working Very Well, Thank You
  13. Talking Openly about Hierarchy
  14. Thinking about Abortion(s)
  15. Thinking Differently About Our Economy
  16. The Truth About Capitalism
  17. Ukrainian Lives Matter
  18. Undoing Trumpism
  19. Violence at the 94th Academy Awards
  20. We Are Multi-Tribal
  21. What To Do About Big Business?
  22. Why Do We Call It Capitalism?
  23. The Widening Spiral of Modern Society

These are writings about songs that I’ve found affecting and interesting. These are all additionally published at the Lexicon of Song site. See the List of Songs for a table that can be sorted by year written, and or by the names of the songwriters.

  1. How to Listen to Music
  2. A Note For Posterity
  3. All Along The Watchtower
  4. And When I Die
  5. Angel from Montgomery
  6. Box of Rain
  7. Come On In My Kitchen
  8. Come On Up to the House
  9. Desperados Under the Eaves
  10. Education – Song by The Kinks
  11. For What It's Worth
  12. Fruitcakes
  13. Girl From The North Country
  14. Hallelujah
  15. I Don't Like Half The Folks I Love
  16. If I Had a Boat
  17. It's About Time
  18. King Harvest (Has Surely Come)
  19. The Last Trip to Tulsa
  20. Late For The Sky
  21. Like A Rolling Stone
  22. Pancho and Lefty
  23. Paul Thorn and his 800 Pound Jesus
  24. Quiet About It
  25. Rain
  26. Ring Them Bells
  27. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
  28. School Day
  29. Settin‘ the Woods on Fire
  30. Shady Grove
  31. Step by Step
  32. Stringing Me Along
  33. Sympathy For The Devil
  34. They All Laughed
  35. Train to Birmingham
  36. Turn the Page
  37. The Village Green Preservation Society
  38. The Weight
  39. Whenever Kindness Fails
  40. When I Paint My Masterpiece
  41. White Room
  42. Will the Circle be Unbroken
Songs about Christmas

The Christmas season is one of my favorite times of year, and I’ve acquired a huge collection of holiday music over the years, so I thought I would share my thoughts about a few of my favorites with all of you. So here are 20 of my favorite holiday tracks. I’ve tried to select as wide a variety of songs as possible, mixing different artists and styles.

And all of these songs but one can be heard on Apple Music in the Christmas Favorites from The Practical Utopian playlist.


  1. Auld Lang Syne
  2. Boogie Woogie Santa Claus
  3. Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)
  4. Christmas Bells
  5. Christmas Must Be Tonight
  6. Christmas Night in Harlem
  7. The Christmas Song
  8. Christmas Song by Dave Matthews
  9. Christmas Time Back Home – Song by The Country Gentlemen
  10. Christmas Time's A-Coming
  11. Father Christmas – Song by The Kinks
  12. Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
  13. Holiday in Harlem
  14. The Little Drummer Boy
  15. Long Black Veil
  16. Merry Christmas Baby – Song
  17. My Favorite Things
  18. Please Come Home for Christmas
  19. The Rebel Jesus – Song by Jackson Browne
  20. Santa Claus is Coming to Town
  21. Star of Wonder

How do we find our way to a sustainable human presence on planet Earth? Nothing could be more important to our species.

  1. Calling for a US Sustainability Initiative
  2. The Era of Environmental Accommodation is Over
  3. Our Three Human Approaches to Dealing with Problems
  4. The Personal vs. The Institutional
  5. Some Hard Truths About Human Population Growth
  6. Why Inflation Will be Hard to Contain
  1. Dethroning the False God of User Experience Design
  2. Earned Value Management (EVM) for Mere Mortals
  3. Free Speech at the Crossroads
  4. Have We Passed The Point of Maximum Useful Tech?
  5. Help! Help! The Robots are Coming!
  6. How to Fix Big Tech
  7. Keeping to the Cackle with AI
  8. Popping the Hood with the Notenik App
  9. Thank God for Elon Musk!
  10. A Traditional Remedy for the Facebook Problem: Competition
  11. Why I Use Markdown (And Why You Should Too)
  12. The Written Word in the 21st Century
US Politics

These are writings about our political system in the United States.

  1. A Baker’s Dozen of Post-Election Thoughts & Feelings
  2. Are Political Parties Doing Us More Harm Than Good?
  3. The Big Truth
  4. The Challenge for Democrats: Playing the Long Game
  5. The Dangers of Political Nostalgia
  6. The Decline of the Republican Party – First Gradually and then Suddenly
  7. Does the US Need a New, More Centrist, Political Party?
  8. Have Our Political Parties Turned Into Cults?
  9. The Importance of Progressive Activism
  10. Is There Any Middle Left?
  11. The MAGA Bubble Finally Bursts
  12. The Progressive Path Forward – A 12-State Strategy
  13. The Shocking Truth About Us Liberals
  14. Welcome To The Autonomous States of America
  15. What Trump Gets Right
  16. Where, Exactly, Are the Republicans Headed?
  17. Why It's a Bad Time to be a Conservative