Humans are inherently social creatures, forming societies in order to foster productive cooperation towards shared goals.
Original Writings
- The Village Green Preservation Society
- Whenever Kindness Fails
- Core Design Principles for The Efficacy of Groups
- The Social Suite
- The Truth About Capitalism
- We Are Multi-Tribal
- Patterns of Human Cooperation
- Rebuilding Trust in Our Large Institutions
- Why Do We Call It Capitalism?
- The Devastating Tragedy of our Vanishing Middle Class
- Managing Our Identity Stacks
- The Rotary Four-Way Test
- Some Hard-Won Wisdom Concerning Cults
- Cooperation, Competition and Coercion
- Have We Passed The Point of Maximum Useful Tech?
- Reframing our Debates about Capitalism
- Social Support Survey
- Our Societal Disconnect
- Our American Class System
- Schembechler, Bacon and Leadership
- The System is Working Very Well, Thank You
- Can the US Become a Truly Egalitarian Society?
- The Widening Spiral of Modern Society
- Apollo 11 – 2019 film
- Santa Claus is Coming to Town
- Diving Back Into Our American Muddle
- Violence at the 94th Academy Awards
- The Issues Swirling around Spotify and its Content Providers
- Undoing Trumpism
- Popping the Hood with the Notenik App
- All of us are trim tabs
- The American cult of the individual
- A beast or a god
- Capitalism as a Market Society
- Capitalism works best in societies where there are high levels of trust
- Ceremonies are designed to
- Chaos and Mediocrity
- The chicken experiment
- Civilization was a thin and precarious crust
- Cooperative communication
- Culture can be either mutualistic or predatory
- The economy is too important to leave to the economists
- The eternal struggle between good and evil
- Flexible cooperation with strangers
- Freedom of Judgment
- The freedom to enact other forms of social existence
- Frivolous and fanciful distinctions
- The great primeval contract of eternal society
- The group of people that you would both help feed and help defend
- If you'll just rattle your jewelry
- I'll take the big sordid dirty crooked city
- Individualized lifestyles deeply brutalizing to the human spirit
- Investing in other people's children
- It's the rich class that's winning
- Labor is the Superior of Capital
- The legitimate object of government
- Living in small groups has been baked into our psyches
- Many humans just don't like their families
- Mass Movements and Boredom
- Model II Decision-Making
- Model II Values
- My Life Belongs to the Whole Community
- Nurturance is a master variable
- The only thing that's constant there is other people
- The Opposite of Popularizing Economics
- Paradoxes rationally serve as tribal loyalty tests
- Peace with Justice
- People are finally finding out that the guy next door isn't a bad egg
- Power and Privilege have been amassed
- The Power of Stakeholder Capitalism
- Public morality
- Relationships among groups
- Small groups are a fundamental unit of human social organization
- Social resilience
- The Social Suite
- Societies are not merely statistical aggregations
- The stagnation of American middle-class living standards
- The systematic weaponization of the human Tribe Drive
- True Character
- Very large social units are imaginary
- We are what we pretend to be
- We have the capacity to envision a better future and make it a reality
- The welfare of the whole human race
- We Need a Place to Stand
- We need governments to provide clear pathways
- We vastly underestimate the impact of our immediate environment on our behavior
- What would a new social compact look like?
- When racial or religious lines are drawn by the State
- The yen to work drops in flat economies