Also see cultural evolution.
Original Writings
- A Universal Improvement Process
- Understanding Human History
- Dethroning the False God of User Experience Design
- The Progressive Path Forward – A 12-State Strategy
- The Challenge for Democrats: Playing the Long Game
- The Importance of Progressive Activism
- An agenda of ambition and hope
- The Art of Progress
- The cause which is blocking all progress
- The Change Dilemma
- Changing the World
- Conservatives and Progressives
- Critical Thinking Followed by Action
- Daily Acts of Trivia
- Economies that enable us to thrive
- Faster Horses
- A Happy Man
- I Dream Things That Never Were
- Introduction of a new order of things
- Life can be much broader
- The Makers of Things
- Most humans desire cultural stability, not change
- People ask me to predict the future
- People with Passion
- The Power of Art
- Progress Depends on Retentiveness
- Progress Depends on the Unreasonable Man
- A Return to These Truths
- Small and Obscure Deeds
- Steve Jobs Ideals
- Taking a Fence Down
- Ten thousand fools proclaim themselves
- This dear fucked-up planet
- The time-worn yoke of their opinions
- Walter Reuther and the Ford Robots
- Where the Puck is Going to Be
- You are going to have to make it different