Let us call love the apprehension of something outside of oneself, some being or form that is other than our self, and yet that affirms the possibility of a greater unity of which we are each but parts, a unity that leaves us still ourselves, and yet also part of something inestimably greater.
This intense feeling of deep affection may be felt in the presence of another person, or a group of people, or a work of art, or another living creature, or some element of the natural world, or in the embrace of the entire world around us.
Original Writings
- Christmas Song by Dave Matthews
- Hallelujah
- It's About Time
- Long Black Veil
- Shady Grove
- Stringing Me Along
- More Love
- Religious Freedom
- Dethroning the False God of User Experience Design
- Merry Christmas Baby – Song
- Christmas Time Back Home – Song by The Country Gentlemen
- Please Come Home for Christmas
- Christmas Night in Harlem
- The cause which is blocking all progress
- The difference between construction and creation
- A diminishing sense of shared humanity
- The drive to love your partner is universal
- The Four-Fold Way
- The fundamental goodness of human nature
- A Hundred Species of Love
- Integrity and Conviction
- It's sports and it's all love
- Love is the ultimate and the highest goal
- The Love of What We are Doing
- Making something with a great deal of care and love
- The moment we cease to hold each other
- Only Connect
- The original naiveté
- Our Reply to Violence
- Practice kindness all day to everybody
- The productive orientation is expressed in love
- Public morality
- This dear fucked-up planet
- Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself
- tikkun olam
- To see a world in a grain of sand
- Unarmed Truth and Unconditional Love
- The World is a Wonderfully Weird Place