All members of a society must be treated with equality before the law, without discrimination based on appearance, gender, ethnic origin, race, sexual preference, wealth or social status.
Original Writings
- The Truth About Capitalism
- The Devastating Tragedy of our Vanishing Middle Class
- Cooperation, Competition and Coercion
- Our American Class System
- The System is Working Very Well, Thank You
- Can the US Become a Truly Egalitarian Society?
- Father Christmas – Song by The Kinks
- The Little Drummer Boy
- Ukrainian Lives Matter
- Violence at the 94th Academy Awards
- Undoing Trumpism
- Accidents of birth
- All must be held valuable, or none
- Any Love for Justice
- The Arc of History
- By Gifts One Makes Slaves
- Capitalism as a Market Society
- Capitalism works best in societies where there are high levels of trust
- A Coke is a Coke
- The Columbia Disaster
- Conscious Improvement for the Masses
- Democracy is Worst Form of Government
- Equals
- ESPN president meets Steve Jobs
- The Eternal Struggle for Human Rights
- First they came...
- Generosity is the robust strategy
- Good Management is Like The Beatles
- Guided missiles and misguided men
- A hereditary meritocracy
- History is not some self-driving car
- If you'll just rattle your jewelry
- A law against private jets
- Liberal democracy's strongest glue is economic growth
- Liberalism is not Socialism
- A multiethnic democracy in which no particular ethnic group is in the majority
- No person in America should be too poor to live
- Peace with Justice
- The people are what matter to government
- The Philosophy of Jazz
- A Progressive Annual Tax on Capital
- Public morality
- Set off from the rest by a line drawn
- To live wisely and agreeably and well
- The Trick in Keeping Bands Together
- Two ideas of government
- The Ultimate Democracy
- The US remains astonishingly backward when it comes to education
- We All Derive From the Same Source
- We have wonderful arguments
- We Must Respect the Other Fellow's Religion
- What would a new social compact look like?
- White people will have quite enough to do