from the desk of H. Bowie...

desktop with typewriter

Commonplace Book:

Victor Hwang

Brief Bio: Tech CEO and author

For further info:


“Culture can be either mutualistic or predatory”

Culture can be either mutualistic or predatory – that’s our choice as a society. We can choose to create societies that prioritize what we consider good.

06 Aug 2020 from the interview “Evolution, Complexity, and the Third Way of Entrepreneurship: A Capstone Conversation with Victor Hwang”

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“We have the capacity to envision a better future and make it a reality”

Many people interpret the invisible hand concept as saying, we should just take our hands off the steering wheel like there’s nothing we should do. I don’t agree with that. Humans aren’t designed to accept the world as is, so to just say “whatever” is denying what makes us thrive as a species. More than any other creature on Earth, we have the capacity to envision a better future and make it a reality. We are askers of the question, “What kind of world do we want?” And perhaps even more importantly, we can ask the follow-up question, “How do we build that?”

2020-08-06 from the interview “Evolution, Complexity, and the Third Way of Entrepreneurship: A Capstone Conversation with Victor Hwang”

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